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The 2025 Call for Abstracts is Open!
The CHFS HF Update Trainee Research Competition was created in 2019 to recognize individuals for emerging or outstanding research in the field of heart failure. Abstracts submitted to the Trainee Research competition will be considered for in-person poster presentation at HF Update.
Eligibility Criteria:
  1. Only the first author of the abstract will be eligible to submit to the Research Competition.
  2. To be eligible, the first author must be a non-faculty member at any academic institution/medical center. Examples of eligible applicants include (but are not limited to) students, medical residents or fellows, research fellows including post-doctorate, and allied healthcare professionals.
  3. All applicants must already be or have applied for CHFS membership. Membership is free for trainees.
Application Process:
  1. Adult and pediatric, medical and surgical, clinical and basic science research is accepted. Case reports will not be accepted.
  2. Already published independent/original work will not be accepted.
  3. Submissions are accepted in both English and French.
  4. Applicants submitting their research abstract are asked to do so by completing this form.
The review panel will score the abstracts and select one (1) grand prize winner, one (1) runner-up and two (2) finalists. The four (4) winners will feature their work though moderated poster presentation during a designated break/time slot.
No travel funding is provided. A prize of $2,000 will be awarded to the 1st place (grand prize) winner, $1,000 to the 2nd place runner-up, and $500 for 3rd and 4th place finalists.
Visit our website here for more information.
Submission Deadline: Monday, February 17, 2025 by 12:00 PM (noon) EDT.